Leveraging user personas to improve copywriting

Leveraging user personas to enhance copywriting precision and impact.

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User personas are great for helping marketers better understand their audience and make their ads or products more tailored to what customers want.

But knowing how to adjust ads or products based on user personas can be challenging.

This is where ChatGPT comes in handy. You can use it to analyse your user personas, then make actionable suggestions on how to improve your product - or in our case, website copy.

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For this tutorial, we’ve generated three fake personas using ChatGPT: Maria Gonzalez, Amir Patel, and Susan O’Neill. You’ll need some genuine user personas of your own to follow the steps in this tutorial. If you don’t have any, here’s a good guide for creating them from scratch.

We’re going to focus on the copy of the hero section of our website (let’s pretend it’s Airtable.com). But you can use the steps below for any copy you want to create or improve.

Let’s feed our user personas into ChatGPT using the prompt below, and see how the heading and subheading of Airtable’s homepage may resonate (or not) with them.

💡 Tip: If it’s more convenient, you can upload your user personas as a PDF attachment with your prompt.
This is hero section copy for Airtable.com's homepage:
Heading: End to end processes redefined
Sub-heading: From plans to outcomes and everything in between, connect the most critical stages of your operations.
From the perspective of each user persona outlined in the attached PDF, provide their opinion on the landing page copy. Does it resonate with them? If not, why not? Are their goals or pain points addressed?

Understandably the copy has mixed reactions across the different personas. Now we can generate ideas to improve the messaging for each persona.

For each persona's feedback give copy suggestions and/or suggested improvements to help each customer convert better.
example: For Maria, needing more detail on how it addresses her specific pain points - maybe an image in the Hero section showing a spreadsheet that tracks inventory.
example: For Susan, who is less technically capable - maybe a simple sentence that addresses how straightforward it is to set up and use. Give 3 suggestions for each.

As we want to have a short, snappy website heading and subheading, we could ask ChatGPT if there are any suggestions that would resonate for all personas.

You're an expert website copywriter and conversion specialist. Give 3 suggestions of headings and subheadings that would directly address all pain points of the user personas. Each copy suggestion should address all personas.

Or, what a lot of companies do when they have a wide range of different customer types, is create specific landing pages or sections on their site that speak directly to groups of people. Let’s get ChatGPT to help us with this. We’ll also add a marketing framework to make our messaging more compelling.

We're creating a specific section on the website to speak to different user personas. For each user persona, use the AIDA framework to write a simple heading and subheading that will resonate with each.

You can experiment with different frameworks and test the results to see which get better outputs for what you’re trying to achieve.

We're creating a specific section on the website to speak to different user persona's. For each user persona, use the 'PAS: Problem, Agitate, Solution' framework to write a simple heading and subheading that will resonate with each.

If you need inspiration on marketing frameworks to include in your conversation with ChatGPT, you can also ask ChatGPT.

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